Product Repair Details
We offer a rebuild service for your Mercedes-Benz AMG DSI Direct Select interface. This shifter module commonly fails causing the “P” button to not function or it can cause the transmission to go into fail safe. Normally this fault starts off intermittently but quickly becomes a permanent fault if not repaired. We normally rebuild this shifter within 24 hours and provide a 1 year unlimited km warranty. As we rebuild your original unit there is no coding or programming required.
Common symptoms include :
Won’t Select Park
Transmission stuck in one gear
Not functioning after drink spilt onto module
Transmission in fail safe
Common fault codes are :
P 085011 The button ‘Gear range P’ has a malfunction. There is a short circuit to ground.
P 085015 The button ‘Gear range P’ has a malfunction. There is a short circuit to positive or an open circuit.
P 08502A The button ‘Gear range P’ has a malfunction. There is no signal change.
P 085064 The button ‘Gear range P’ has a malfunction. There is an implausible signal.
U 113B00 Communication with the direct select lever has a malfunction
Common Part numbers :
A 2122670324, A 2122670100, A 4632670024, A 4632670100, A 2125452632, A 2465422600, A 2122670424 , A 4632670124 , A2462670500
Total repair cost $440 inc GST
Workshops with a ABN please contact us for trade pricing