
Mercedes Benz Electronic Component repairs

Mercedes W212 E Class Steering Lock And EIS EZS Repair

Total Repair Cost Inc GST.


Product Repair Details

On the Mercedes W212 E Class the most common immobiliser failure is caused by the steering lock and occasionally the Ignition switch. When either of these components fail it causes the vehicle to not start (no crank) and no dash light when turning the key. We provide a full rebuild on your steering lock and repair a common fault with the ignition switch regardless of whether or not it has failed yet. This ESL / EIS rebuild service comes with a 12 month unlimited km warranty and is plug and play which means no expensive dealer programming or coding required. In most cases we can offer a 24 hour turnaround.

Common Symptoms:

Vehicle Won’t Start
No dash lights when turning the key
Key turns but won’t start
Steering wheel jammed in locked position
Steering lock can’t be heard when inserting key

Common fault codes are:

A 25407 The electronic steering lock has a malfunction. There is a mechanical fault.
A 25408 The electronic steering lock has a malfunction There is a signal fault or the message is faulty.
A 25409 The electronic steering lock has a malfunction. There is a component fault.
A 25464 The electronic steering lock has a malfunction. There is a implausible signal.
A 22449 The electronic steering lock has a malfunction. There is an internal electrical fault.

Common Part numbers include:

A 2045450632, A 2045455732, A 2045458132, A 2049005912, A 2045450908, A 2045451308, A 2045451508, A 2075450108, A 2079057101, A 2129055800, A 2129055000, A 2129055200

For this repair we require the ignition switch (EIS), at least one working key and the steering lock (ELV/ESL).
Total repair cost $550 inc GST Get Yours Rebuilt Now
Workshops with a ABN please contact us for trade pricing
Additional charges apply if your unit has had a previous repair attempt or is the housing has been drilled or damaged.

20.12.24 - 13.01.25

To All Of Our Valued Customers.

We will be closing for our Christmas holidays on Friday 20th of December and reopening on Monday the 13th Of January.