Product Repair Details
We can repair your faulty Mercedes C180, C200, C240 instrument cluster for a common fault which causes the cluster to stop functioning. This issue normally effects pre face lift w203 instrument clusters from the year 2000 – 2003 and the most common symptom is no response from any of the gauges and no LCD display, is some cases the high beam light will stay illuminated or flicker on and off. We can also repair this cluster for other common faults which include the LCD display fading and becoming unreadable in hot weather, additionally we can repair most other faults with this cluster however please note we are unable to change the odometer reading under any circumstances.
Most units are rebuilt within 24 hours and are covered under our 2 year warranty.
Common symptoms include:
C Class cluster no gauges working
w203 Cluster not working at all
C200 Cluster lcd fading when hot
c180 Instrument cluster lcd replacement
W203 high beam light stays on dash
Common part numbers include:
A 2035407611 , A 2035403511 , A 2035403811 ,
Total repair cost is $385 inc GST Get Yours Rebuilt Now
Workshops with a ABN please contact us for trade pricing